Adventure and Cultural Insight Tours
Traveling with KarmaQuest is much more than a holiday adventure. It is:
Experiencing the world as an insider, not through a camera lens
Making new friends by moving slowly, in small groups with expert leaders, and guided by a belief that travel brings the world closer together
Giving back to the places and people you visit.
Personalized Travel Planning
KarmaQuest specializes in Custom Designed trips and Travel Consultations, helping you plan a one-of-a-kind travel experience.
At KarmaQuest we design each trip based upon our own years of travel, working and living in the places you visit. We’ve trekked the trails, climbed the mountains, stayed at the hotels and lodges, and planned every trip detail with our local operators and hosts to assure that the trip is everything that you hope for and more. Carefully crafted itineraries take you off the beaten track without sacrificing your safety and comfort. We introduce you to new ways of living and thinking, allowing you to reflect on your own life and to broaden your views of the world.
Unique Travel Experiences
Our website includes a sampling of the trips we offer to ten Asian countries.. Ask us about these trips, or tell us about your dream destination and we’ll custom design an itinerary that suit your own time schedule, interests and abilities.
Tibet and China
Sri Lanka
Our one-of-a-kind travel experiences include:
On Foot: Three days to three weeks of full-service guided treks through the Himalaya or Central Asia
Cultural Heritage: Balancing not-to-miss historical, archaeological, sacred and living culture sites and activities with intimate insider experiences
Focus On: Special interest trips that focus on topics such as hand-made textiles, plants and botanic gardens, birding, community-based conservation, spiritual studies and more
Wildlife in the Wild: Tracking some of Asia’s most endangered birds and mammals, guided by world-class naturalists and contributing to trusted conservation programs
Reflections/Traveling to Learn: Customized educational travel programs and curricula for university and high school students (accredited and non-accredited)
Family Time/Home-Stays: Meeting other families and sharing home-cooked meals, farm activities, language lessons and hobbies, knowing that your visit is helping keep their culture and livelihoods intact.
Humanitarian Missions: Social-service outreach paired with intimate cultural and adventure experiences, often inside local homes and with local non-profits.
Leaders in Ecotourism
Our decades of working with local conservation and social service organizations enable us to assure that your visit helps protect the natural environment and wildlife habitat; delivers economic and social benefits to indigenous peoples; fosters two-way exchange learning opportunities; and supports ethical travel and eco-practices.
Trip Leaders and Resource People
KarmaQuest leaders, interpretive guides, instructors and resource people are among a family of native and international professionals who live in and work with the communities you'll visit. Local guides and community partners accompany you on the trips, welcome you to their homes, and share insights into their worlds.
Good Reads
We'll provide you with a personal reading list for each country you visit, culled from our own favorites and those colleagues and experts.